Crystal Reports Processor Service

Our Crystal Reports Processor Service utilizes the desktop version of Crystal Reports in a Windows Service application to process up to five Crystal Reports concurrently.  It can divide the 5 threads in to different "queues" that have different priorities and can export the output of the reports in multiple formats and forward those files to multiple destinations (Printers, email, web pages, etc.).  You can even run multiple hosts of the service on different machines (or VM's) to scale the number of concurrent executions allowed.  It's a cost effective substitute for Crystal's own application server for companies that don't need all the enterprise features and bells and whistles and want to keep costs down.

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MysticXML - DotNetNuke XML/XSL module

MysticXML is a DotNetNuke module that extends the functionality of DNN by providing an XSL template integration.  This module allows developers to create highly sophisticated content integrations without the need to create a custom DNN module.  The content is formatted and presented using XSL templates and populated by integrations with SQL data on the backend. The templates even have special tags to handle input fields and can post back to the database.  The uses are only limited by imagination.  This module has been used to develop shopping carts, online product malls, auctions, sophisticated medical integrations, and more! 

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Mystic Dispatch

A multi-user, multi-location enterprise level dispatching system that accomodates inter-site transports, multiple dispatching areas, multiple Dispatchers concurrently servicing the same locations, unlimited drivers, fail-over protections, and more!

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Mystic TowIt Pro (discontinued)

Tow It Pro is an application that provides management and support for vehicle towing companies with extensive searching, filtering and reporting features, a robust multi-user, multi-location user interface and high performance backend database.

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